Relate Counselling Hawke's Bay Ltd

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A huge thanks to everyone for making Dignity2015 such a success…!! 

Eastern Institute of Technology

Response-Based Practice Aotearoa

Centre for Response-Based Practice

Hosted by:  Te Ūranga Waka: School of Maori Studies, Eastern Institute of Technology   Response-Based Practice Aotearoa. In association with Centre for Response-Based Practice.

Dignity2015 Presenters:
Canadian Team: Dr Allan Wade, Dr Cathy Richardson, Renee Claude-Carrier, Barb McInerney, Jeff Smith, Will Bratt, Dr Brenda Adams, Cindy Ogden, Gillian Weaver-Dunlop, Corporal Kelly Manweiller.

Australian Team: Angela Hartwig, Ian Johnsen & Christine Adams.

New Zealand Team: Dr Kim McGregor & Louise Nicholas, Dr Ang Jury, Karen McIntyre, Tame Iti, Dr Leland Ruwhiu; Ngā Toka Mā E Whā & Te Whare Whakaū, Moana Eruera; Eru Kapa-Kingi, Rahuikura Eruera, Laurie Te Nahu, Sue Maloney, Dr Mandy Morgan, Dr Linda Beckett, Julie Hart.

PowerPoint Presentations

1. When a Person who Abuses Family Members Dies
2. Misinforming Dignity2015
3. Dignity2015 Conference Programme
4. RBP at the Yukon Womens transition Home Society
5. Diverse voices – Many stories ppt 8-4-15
6. Response-Based Music Praxis 2015
7. Tell it like it is – Children Hawkes Bay
8. Children’s presentation
9. Family Law in Cases of DV 

10. Gene Function is Responsive to Social Interaction-Implications for Practice
11. Response-Based Practice with Perpetrators and Victims
12. Once Upon a Time…
13. Working with moms and children for website
14. Campaigning for Change
15. Stockholm Syndrome Hawkes Bay
16. Tell it like it is Aotearoa Abridged
17. Dignity2015 Dignity the social emotion
18. Together for Justice Dignity 2015